The wikipedia article for Futures and promises opens up with this paragraph, which I thought is the perfect definition:
In computer science, future, promise, delay, and deferred refer to constructs used for synchronizing program execution in some concurrent programming languages. They describe an object that acts as a proxy for a result that is initially unknown, usually because the computation of its value is yet incomplete.
In today’s article, I’ll walk you through the creation and management of the future and promise construct in the Scala language.
Execution context
Before continuing with the article, we need to make a special note about the ExecutionContext. Futures and promises both use the execution context to perform the execution of their computations.
Any of the operations that you’ll write out to start a computation requires an ExecutionContext as a parameter. These can be passed implicitly, so it’ll be a regular occurrence where you’ll see the following definition:
// define the implicit or - import one already is an ExecutionContext that is backed by a ForkJoinPool.
We create a Future in the following ways:
/* Create a future that relies on some work being done
and that emits its value */valgetName=Future{// simulate some work hereThread.sleep(100)"John"}/* Create an already resolved future; no need to wait
on the result of this one */valalreadyGotName=Future.successful("James")/* Create an already rejected future */valbadNews=Future.failed(newException("Something went wrong"))
With a future, you set some code in place to handle both the success and fail cases. You use the onComplete function to accomplish this:
Using a for-comprehension or map/flatMap, you can perform functional composition on your Future so that adds something extra through the pipeline. In this case, we’re going to prefix the name with a message should it start with the letter “J”:
If you really need to, you can make your future block.
The different between a Future and a Promise is that a future can be thought of as a read-only container. A promise is a single-assignment container that is used to complete a future.
Here’s an example.
valgetNameFuture=Future{"Tom"}valgetNamePromise=Promise[String]()getNamePromisecompleteWithgetNameFuturegetNamePromise.future.onComplete{caseSuccess(name)=>println(s"Got the name: $name")caseFailure(e)=>e.printStackTrace()}
getNamePromise has a future that we access through the future member. We treat it as usual with onComplete. It knows that it needs to resolve because of the completeWith call, were we’re telling getNamePromise to finish the getNameFuture future.
In today’s post, I’ll go through a primer of the different facilities that you can use.
Functional Interfaces
Single abstract method interfaces have been taken a step further in Java 8, where the programmer is able to decorate their interface using a @FunctionalInterface annotation. These can then be represented as lambda expressions and method references. These are building blocks for functional programming.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result. Unlike most other functional interfaces, Consumer is expected to operate via side-effects.
Scala’s type is very rich; even where constructs aren’t well defined you can easily piece together anything that you need. In today’s article, I’ll take you through some different functor types as well as a small primer on variance.
Type variance is what we use to describe sub-class relationships in a class hierarchy. In scala we use the following notations to denote variances:
Sometimes, you need to be able to look at the private members of your classes in order to test that something has gone to plan. Unit testing is one scenario where this makes sense.
By using the getDeclaredField method, passing the name of the field; the reflection framework will send back the definition. This field gets executed through the use of the get method, passing in the object instance.
To finish the picture here, we can also get access on methods that are private as well:
The functional programming paradigm has certainly seen a lot of attention of late, where some of the features that can be exploited from it have properties that assist in scale programming.
In today’s post, I’ll walk through Java 8 streams which allow you to treat collection data structures in a functional way.
What is a stream?
A stream prepares a collection of elements in such a way that you can operate on it functionally. The higher-order functions that you’d commonly see in a functional arrangement are:
Now that we have a basic structure of artists and songs, we can define some test data to work with.
Don’t judge me.
ArtistrickAstley=newArtist("Rick Astley",50,Arrays.asList(newSong("Never Gonna Give You Up",1987,500000)));ArtistbonJovi=newArtist("Jon Bon Jovi",54,Arrays.asList(newSong("Livin' on a Prayer",1986,3400000),newSong("Wanted Dead or Alive",1987,4000000)));List<Artist>artists=Arrays.asList(bonJovi,rickAstley);
Ok, now that the boilerplate is out of the way; we can start the fun stuff.
map is a function that allows you to apply a function to each element of a list; transforming and returning it. We can grab just the artist’s names with the following:
toList comes out of the class. So you can import static:;
Mapping deeper
flatMap allows you to perform the map process on arrays of arrays. Each artist has an array of songs, so we can flat map (at the artist level) to emit a flat list of songs: