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Window Function DENSE_RANK

This article is an extension of the window function, to follow up on each of the window functions.

The DENSE_RANK function will use the ORDER BY expression to determine a rank of a value amongst groups. If a PARTITION BY is present, this is also included in the reset of groups.

The important difference between RANK and DENSE_RANK is that RANK will use to total number of rows to nominate it’s highest rank value; whereas DENSE_RANK will only use the number of ranks calculated, and the highest rank.

Take the following for example:

SELECT sale_id, quantity, unit_cost,
   RANK() OVER (ORDER BY quantity DESC)
FROM sales
ORDER BY quantity, sale_id;

The sale_id, quantity, and unit_cost are retrieved and ranked by the quantity value. Both RANK and DENSE_RANK are used in this example to illustrate the difference in value distribution (along the number line).

As there is a change in quantity, a new rank value is assigned:

sale_id quantity unit_cost dense_rank rank
1 1 26 4 11
3 1 156 4 11
4 1 96 4 11
7 1 156 4 11
9 1 20 4 11
11 1 26 4 11
13 1 156 4 11
14 1 96 4 11
17 1 156 4 11
19 1 20 4 11
5 2 96 3 7
8 2 26 3 7
15 2 96 3 7
18 2 26 3 7
2 3 20 2 3
10 3 156 2 3
12 3 20 2 3
20 3 156 2 3
6 5 26 1 1
16 5 26 1 1