Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

Sending email with GMail and Ruby

Here’s a quick little ruby snippet to get you sending email through your gmail account. I had to implement this recently, so I thought I’d make note of it here. You will need the tlsmail gem installed to make this happen. Here’s the code.

require 'tlsmail'                                                              
require 'time'                                                                                                  
from = ""                                                     
to   = ""                                                     
pwd  = "SECRET PASSWORD"                                                        
content = <<EOF                                                                
From: #{from}                                                                  
To: #{to}                                                                      
MIME-Version: 1.0                                                              
Content-type: text/html                                                        
Subject: An email for you                                                                
Date: #{}                                                      
<p>Hello to you!</p>                                                                        

# start up a TLS session (required by GMail)

# send the email
Net::SMTP.start('', 587, '', from, pwd, :login) do |smtp|                                                                              
   smtp.send_message(content, from, to)                                        