Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

Writing A Simple ARM OS - Part 1


ARM, which originally stood for Acorn RISC Machine and now is known as Advanced RISC Machine, is a cornerstone of modern embedded systems and mobile devices. Its design is rooted in the principles of Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC), which emphasizes a small, highly optimized set of instructions that allow for greater efficiency and lower power consumption.

In a previous post we looked at setting up a bootloader. In this series of blogposts, I want to develop these concepts a little more to implement a simple operating system.

For part 1 today, we’ll aim at the following:

  • Installing prerequisites
  • Setting up a project structure
  • Creating a repeatable build environment
  • Running your bootloader

The code for this article is available in my Github repository.

Let’s make a start.

Installing prerequisites

We need to install our toolchain for building our software. The arm-none-eabi set is what we’ll be targeting.

sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-gcc

We will also need a virtual machine / emulator to run the software that we build. We’ll use QEMU.

sudo pacman -S qemu-system-arm

We have enough installed now, let’s move on.

Setup the Project

I’ve called my project armos, and have created the following structure:

├── asm
├── build
├── docs
└── src
  • asm will hold our assembly language modules
  • build is where our binaries are built to
  • docs is for any documentation that we might have
  • src will hold our c language modules


At this point we can add some code. If we add bootstrap.s to the asm folder we can make a start on the bootloader.

// ./asm/bootloader.s

    .section    .text
    .global     _start

    // initialize the stack pointer
    LDR     sp, =stack_top

    // jump to the kernel main loop
    BL      kernel_main

    // infinite loop to keep the OS running
1:  B 1b

    // fallback loop
    B .

    // reserve space for the stack in a separate section
    .section    .bss
    .align      4
    // allocate 1kb for the stack
    .space      1024

This is a pretty basic module to begin with. At the start we define our code with a .text section and _start is a global symbol:

    .section    .text
    .global     _start

Next, we setup our stack pointer sp by loading the address of our stack_top. The equal sign preceeding stack_top tells the assembler to load the immediate value of the address. We have stack_top defined down a little further.

Then, we jump on to our kernel.

Interesting note, BL which is Branch with Link works very much like a branch (B) but it will store the address from where we branched into the link register r14.

    // initialize the stack pointer
    LDR     sp, =stack_top

    // jump to the kernel main loop
    BL      kernel_main

Now we have two endless loops setup. The first one loops back to the 1: loop:

    // infinite loop to keep the OS running
1:  B 1b

If we do get an unexpected address sneak in for whatever reason, we’ve got a fallback loop that continually jumps to itself using the shorthand ..

    // fallback loop
    B .

Finally, we complete the module by defining our stack with the .bss section. You’ll notice the stack_top label that we referenced earlier.

    // reserve space for the stack in a separate section
    .section    .bss
    .align      4
    // allocate 1kb for the stack
    .space      1024

Build environment

We need to make this easy to build, so we create a Makefile in the root directory. The Makefile will use the toolchain that we installed earlier, building our binaries into the build folder:

AS = arm-none-eabi-as
LD = arm-none-eabi-ld
OBJCOPY = arm-none-eabi-objcopy

# Files and directories
ASM_SRCS = asm/bootloader.s
BUILD_DIR = build
TARGET = armos.elf


	@mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
	$(AS) -o $(BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.o $(ASM_SRCS)
	$(LD) -Ttext 0x0 -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET) $(BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.o
	$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET) $(BUILD_DIR)/armos.bin

	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)

Our call out to our assembler is pretty straight forward, trading our .s files for .o object files. The linker is told that the text section is at 0x0 via the -Ttext. We need to give the linker some extra help in these situations where we are building for bare-metal targets, such is the case today.

Give it a build.


All going well you should see some output as follows:

arm-none-eabi-as -o build/bootloader.o asm/bootloader.s
arm-none-eabi-ld -Ttext 0x0 -o build/armos.elf build/bootloader.o
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary build/armos.elf build/armos.bin

You should also find some built binaries in your build folder.

First launch

We can give our new operating system a run via qemu with the following instruction:

qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel build/armos.elf -nographic

Here we have a few switches:

  • -M versatilepb emulates a popular ARM development board
  • -kernel build/armos.elf loads our compiled bootloader/OS binary
  • -nographic runs qemu without a graphical user interface

If everything as worked, you shouldn’t see much at all. Your bootloader/OS is now spinning in a loop, waiting for you to turn the computer off!


In this post, we’ve built the foundation for armos. We’ve installed and configured the ARM toolchain, set up QEMU to emulate our target board, organized our project directory for clarity and scalability, and even wrote a simple bootloader to jumpstart our operating system. With these critical components in place, you’re now ready to embark on the next steps—enhancing the bootloader, adding essential kernel functionalities, and ultimately constructing a full-fledged minimalist OS.