Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

Writing Your Own Lisp Interpreter in Haskell - Part 4


In the previous post we added conditionals to our basic Lisp interpreter. Now, it’s time to introduce list manipulation – one of Lisp’s most fundamental features.

This update brings support for:

  • Pairs (cons), first element (car), and rest (cdr)
  • List predicates (null?)
  • Common list operations (append, length, reverse)
  • Proper parsing of quoted lists ('(...))

Pairs and Lists

In Lisp, lists are built from pairs (cons cells). Each pair contains a head (car) and a tail (cdr). We’ll add Pair into our LispVal data type:

data LispVal
    = Atom String
    | Number Integer
    | Bool Bool
    | String String
    | List [LispVal]
    | Pair LispVal LispVal  
    | Lambda [String] LispVal Env
    | BuiltinFunc ([LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal)

This allows us to represent both lists and dotted pairs like:

(cons 1 2)    ;; (1 . 2)
(cons 1 '(2)) ;; (1 2)

cons, car, and cdr

cons is a function in most dialects of Lisp that constructs memory objects which hold two values or pointers to two values.

cons :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
cons [x, List xs] = return $ List (x : xs)  
cons [x, y]       = return $ Pair x y       
cons args         = throwError $ NumArgs 2 args

This allows us to build pairs and lists alike:

(cons 1 2)       ;; (1 . 2)
(cons 1 '(2 3))  ;; (1 2 3)

(car and cdr)[] are list primitives that allow you to return the first or second component of a pair.

The expression (car (cons x y)) evaluates to x, and (cdr (const x y)) evaluates to y.

car :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
car [List (x : _)] = return x
car [Pair x _]     = return x  
car [List []]      = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Cannot take car of empty list" (List [])
car [arg]          = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Expected a pair or list" arg
car args           = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

cdr :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
cdr [List (_ : xs)] = return $ List xs  
cdr [Pair _ y]      = return y          
cdr [List []]       = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Cannot take cdr of empty list" (List [])
cdr [arg]           = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Expected a pair or list" arg
cdr args            = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

We can now uwe these functions to work with our lists and pairs:

(car '(1 2 3))   ;; 1
(car '(a b c))   ;; a
(car '(5 . 6))   ;; 5

(cdr '(1 2 3))   ;; (2 3)
(cdr '(a b c))   ;; (b c)
(cdr '(5 . 6))   ;; 6

Checking for Empty Lists

We need a way to determine if our list is empty, and we do that with isNull:

isNull :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isNull [List []] = return $ Bool True
isNull [_]       = return $ Bool False
isNull args      = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

This is pretty straight forward to use:

(null? '())      ;; #t
(null? '(1 2 3)) ;; #f

Extending List Operations

Going a little bit further now, we can easily implement append, length, and reverse.

listAppend :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
listAppend [List xs, List ys] = return $ List (xs ++ ys)
listAppend [List xs, y] = return $ List (xs ++ [y])  
listAppend [x, List ys] = return $ List ([x] ++ ys)  
listAppend args = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Expected two lists or a list and an element" (List args)

listLength :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
listLength [List xs] = return $ Number (toInteger (length xs))
listLength [arg] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Expected a list" arg
listLength args = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

listReverse :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
listReverse [List xs] = return $ List (reverse xs)
listReverse [arg] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "Expected a list" arg
listReverse args = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

These functions allow us to perform some more interesting processing of our lists:

(append '(1 2) '(3 4))  ;; (1 2 3 4)
(append '(a b) 'c)      ;; (a b c)
(append 'a '(b c))      ;; (a b c)

(length '(1 2 3 4 5))   ;; 5
(length '())            ;; 0

(reverse '(1 2 3 4 5))   ;; (5 4 3 2 1)
(reverse '())            ;; ()

Quoted Lists

Finally, Lisp allows shorthand notation for quoting lists. For example, '(1 2 3) is equivalent to (quote (1 2 3)).

parseQuote :: Parser LispVal
parseQuote = do
    char '\''
    expr <- parseExpr 
    return $ List [Atom "quote", expr]


Our Lisp interpreter is now becoming a little more sophisticated. List processing is so fundamental to how Lisp operates that we needed to get this implemented as soon as possible. The code for this particular article is available up on GitHub to pull down and take a look at.

(define names '("Sally" "Joe" "Tracey" "Bob"))
("Sally" "Joe" "Tracey" "Bob")

(reverse names)
("Bob" "Tracey" "Joe" "Sally")

(car (cdr (reverse names)))

(append names '("Stacey" "Peter"))
("Sally" "Joe" "Tracey" "Bob" "Stacey" "Peter")