Writing Your Own Lisp Interpreter in Haskell - Part 2
15 Feb 2025Introduction
In our previous post we put a very simple Lisp interpreter together that was capable of some very basic arithmetic.
In today’s update, we’ll introduce variable definitions into our Lisp interpreter, allowing users to define and retrieve values persistently. This required a number of structural changes to support mutable environments, error handling, and function lookups.
All the changes here will set us up to do much more sophisticated things in our system.
If you’re following along, you can find the implementation for this article here.
Mutable Environment
In order to store variables in our environment, we need to make it mutable. This way we can store new values in the environment as we define them.
was originally a pure Map
type Env = Map String LispVal
This meant that variable bindings were immutable and couldn’t persist across expressions.
We changed Env
to an IORef (Map String LispVal)
, making it mutable:
type Env = IORef (Map String LispVal)
We added nullEnv
to create an empty environment:
nullEnv :: IO Env
nullEnv = newIORef Map.empty
- This allows variables to persist across expressions.
- Future changes (like
for modifying variables) require mutability. IORef
enables safe concurrent updates in a controlled manner.
REPL update
Now we need to update our REPL at the top level to be able to use this mutable state.
Previously, our REPL was just using the primitiveEnv
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Welcome to Mini Lisp (Haskell)"
repl primitiveEnv
We now pass it in as a value. Note that the underlying types have changed.
main :: IO ()
main = do
env <- primitiveEnv -- Create a new environment
putStrLn "Welcome to Mini Lisp (Haskell)"
repl env
- The REPL now uses a mutable environment (
). - This ensures variables persist across expressions instead of resetting each time.
Variable Definition
We introduced defineVar
to allow defining variables:
defineVar :: Env -> String -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
defineVar envRef var val = do
env <- liftIO $ readIORef envRef -- Read environment
liftIO $ writeIORef envRef (Map.insert var val env) -- Update environment
return val
This enables us to define variables like this:
(define x 10)
reads the current environment, updates it, and then writes it back.
Probably the biggest change is that our evaluation no longer returns just a ThrowsError LispVal
eval :: Env -> LispVal -> ThrowsError LispVal
This has had to be upgraded to support our IO
activity as we now have mutable state.
eval :: Env -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
This change allows eval to interact with mutable variables stored in Env
and perform IO actions when updating
environment bindings
We also added parsing support for define
eval env (List [Atom "define", Atom var, expr]) = do
val <- eval env expr
defineVar env var val
Variable Lookup
Our lookupVar
now needs an upgrade:
lookupVar :: Env -> String -> ThrowsError LispVal
lookupVar env var = case Map.lookup var env of
Just val -> Right val
Nothing -> Left $ UnboundVar var
It’s not designed to work in a mutable IORef
environment. We create getVar
to accomodate.
getVar :: Env -> String -> IOThrowsError LispVal
getVar envRef var = do
env <- liftIO $ readIORef envRef -- Read environment from IORef
case Map.lookup var env of
Just val -> return val
Nothing -> throwError $ UnboundVar ("Undefined variable: " ++ var)
This now allows variables to be defined and retrieved across multiple expressions.
Previously, built-in functions were not stored as part of the environment.
primitives :: [(String, LispVal)]
primitives =
[ ("+", BuiltinFunc numericAdd),
("-", BuiltinFunc numericSub),
("*", BuiltinFunc numericMul),
("/", BuiltinFunc numericDiv)
This has changed now with primitiveEnv
which will store a set of these.
primitiveEnv :: IO Env
primitiveEnv = newIORef (Map.fromList primitives)
This change enables us to dynamically add more built-in functions in the future.
Fixing eval
With the introduction of IO
into our program, our evaluation logic needed updates to handle variable bindings
eval env (List (Atom func : args)) = do
func' <- eval env (Atom func)
args' <- mapM (eval env) args
apply func' args'
Now, we’ll look up the function in the environment:
eval env (List (Atom func : args)) = do
func' <- getVar env func -- Look up function in the environment
args' <- mapM (eval env) args -- Evaluate arguments
apply func' args'
Now, we’ll find any of our functions in the environment itself.
Fixing apply
Now, we need to look at the apply
apply (BuiltinFunc f) args = f args
We add support for functions out of the environment with the liftThrows
apply (BuiltinFunc f) args = liftThrows $ f args
Provision is also added for user-defined functions (lambda
apply (Lambda params body closure) args = do
env <- liftIO $ readIORef closure -- Read function's closure environment
if length params == length args
then eval closure body
else throwError $ NumArgs (length params) args
Previously, ThrowsError
was used for error handling:
type ThrowsError = Either LispError
However, since we now interact with IO
, we introduce IOThrowsError
type IOThrowsError = ExceptT LispError IO
We also add helper functions to manage conversions between them:
runIOThrows :: IOThrowsError String -> IO String
runIOThrows action = runExceptT action >>= return . extract
extract (Left err) = "Error: " ++ show err
extract (Right val) = val
liftThrows :: ThrowsError a -> IOThrowsError a
liftThrows (Left err) = throwError err
liftThrows (Right val) = return val
- Allows
operations inside error handling (necessary for mutable Env). - Prevents mixing
and pure computations incorrectly. - Enables future features like reading files, user-defined functions, etc.
Fixing readExpr
Finally, we need to fix readExpr
. It’s current defined like this:
readExpr :: String -> ThrowsError LispVal
It changes to support IOThrowsError
readExpr :: String -> IOThrowsError LispVal
readExpr input = liftThrows $ case parse parseExpr "lisp" input of
Left err -> Left $ ParserError (show err)
Right val -> Right val
This allows readExpr
to integrate with our new IOThrowsError
-based evaluator.
With all of these pieces in place, we can use define
to define variables and start to work with them.
Welcome to Mini Lisp (Haskell)
λ> (define a 50)
λ> (define b 120)
λ> (define c 4)
λ> (+ (- b c) a)
This update introduced:
- Persistent variables using
- A mutable environment with
- Function lookup inside the environment
- A fully working REPL that retains state across expressions
We’ll continue to add to this as we go. See you in the next chapter!