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Implementing an LRU Cache in Rust


When building high-performance software, caches often play a vital role in optimizing performance by reducing redundant computations or avoiding repeated I/O operations. One such common caching strategy is the Least Recently Used (LRU) cache, which ensures that the most recently accessed data stays available while evicting the least accessed items when space runs out.

What Is an LRU Cache?

At its core, an LRU cache stores a limited number of key-value pairs. When you access or insert an item:

  • If the item exists, it is marked as “recently used.”
  • If the item doesn’t exist and the cache is full, the least recently used item is evicted to make space for the new one.

LRU caches are particularly useful in scenarios where access patterns favor recently used data, such as:

  • Web page caching in browsers.
  • Database query caching for repeated queries.
  • API response caching to reduce repeated external requests.

In this post, we’ll build a simple and functional implementation of an LRU cache in Rust. Instead of diving into complex data structures like custom linked lists, we’ll leverage Rust’s standard library collections (HashMap and VecDeque) to achieve:

  • Constant-time access and updates using HashMap.
  • Efficient tracking of usage order with VecDeque.

  • This straightforward approach is easy to follow and demonstrates Rust’s powerful ownership model and memory safety.

LRUCache Structure

We’ll begin with a struct that defines the cache:

pub struct LRUCache<K, V> {
    capacity: usize,                 // Maximum number of items the cache can hold
    map: HashMap<K, V>,              // Key-value store
    order: VecDeque<K>,              // Tracks the order of key usage

This structure holds:

  1. capacity: The maximum number of items the cache can store.
  2. map: The main storage for key-value pairs.
  3. order: A queue to maintain the usage order of keys.


Our implementation of LRUCache includes some constraints on the generic types K (key) and V (value). Specifically, the K type requires the following traits:

impl<K: Clone + Eq + std::hash::Hash + PartialEq, V> LRUCache<K, V> {

The Clone trait allows us to create a copy of the key when needed (via .clone()). Eq is a trait that ensure that keys can be compared for equality and are either strictly equal or not. The Hash trait enables us to hash the keys which is a requirement for using HashMap, and finally the PartialEq trait allows for equality comparisons between two keys.

Technically Eq should already imply PartialEq but we explicity include it here for clarity.

Create the Cache

To initialize the cache, we add a new method:

pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
    LRUCache {
        map: HashMap::with_capacity(capacity),
        order: VecDeque::with_capacity(capacity),
  • HashMap::with_capacity: Preallocates space for the HashMap to avoid repeated resizing.
  • VecDeque::with_capacity: Allocates space for tracking key usage.

Value access via get

The get method retrieves a value by key and updates its usage order:

pub fn get(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> {
    if {
        // Move the key to the back of the order queue
        self.order.retain(|k| k != key);
    } else {
  • Check if the key exists via contains_key
  • Remove the key from its old position in order and push it to the back
  • Return the vlaue from the HashMap

In cases where a value never existed or has been evicted, this function sends None back to the caller.

Value insertion via put

The put method adds a new key-value pair or updates an existing one:

pub fn put(&mut self, key: K, value: V) {
    if {
        // Update existing key's value and mark it as most recently used, value);
        self.order.retain(|k| k != &key);
    } else {
        if == self.capacity {
            // Evict the least recently used item
            if let Some(lru_key) = self.order.pop_front() {
        }, value);
  • If the key exists
    • The value is updated in map
    • The key is moved to the back of order
  • If the cache is full
    • Remove the least recently used key (which will be the front of order) from map
  • Insert the new key-value pair and mark it as recently used


Finally, we add a helper method to get the current size of the cache:

pub fn len(&self) -> usize {


Now we can test our cache:

fn main() {
    let mut cache = LRUCache::new(3);

    cache.put("a", 1);
    cache.put("b", 2);
    cache.put("c", 3);

    println!("{:?}", cache.get(&"a")); // Some(1)
    cache.put("d", 4); // Evicts "b"
    println!("{:?}", cache.get(&"b")); // None
    println!("{:?}", cache.get(&"c")); // Some(3)
    println!("{:?}", cache.get(&"d")); // Some(4)

Running this code, we see the following:



In this post, we built a simple yet functional LRU cache in Rust. A full implementation can be found as a gist here.

While this implementation is perfect for understanding the basic principles, it can be extended further with:

  • Thread safety using synchronization primitives like Mutex or RwLock.
  • Custom linked structures for more efficient eviction and insertion.
  • Diagnostics and monitoring to observe cache performance in real-world scenarios.

If you’re looking for a robust cache for production, libraries like lru offer feature-rich implementations. But for learning purposes, rolling your own cache is an excellent way to dive deep into Rust’s collections and ownership model.