Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

Waving Flag Animation


In a previous post we made a simple water droplet demonstration. This is all built on the vga work that we’ve already done.

In today’s post, we’ll use this information again and put a waving flag demo together.

The effect that we’re looking to produce should look something like this:

The Idea

The waving flag effect simulates a piece of fabric rippling in the wind. Here’s the high-level approach:

  1. Flag Bitmap: Create a bitmap with alternating horizontal stripes of green and white.
  2. Wave Dynamics: Use trigonometric functions to displace pixels horizontally and vertically, simulating waves.
  3. Buffering: Use an offscreen buffer to avoid flickering during rendering.

Building the Flag

The flag is a simple bitmap composed of horizontal stripes alternating between green and white. Here’s how it’s generated:

uint8_t* make_flag() {
  int width = 200, height = 100;
  uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(width * height);

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    uint8_t col = (y / 10) % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 15; // Green and white stripes
    memset(buffer + (y * width), col, width);

  return buffer;

Each stripe spans 10 rows, and the alternating colors give the flag a distinctive look.

Adding the Wave Effect

The waving effect is achieved by modifying the position of each pixel based on sine and cosine functions. Here’s the core logic:

void draw_flag(double theta, int x, int y, int width, int height, uint8_t *flag, uint8_t *buffer) {
  double t = 0;
  for (int xx = 0; xx < width; xx ++) {
    t = theta;
    double wave_offset = 5 * sin(theta + xx * 0.1);
    for (int yy = 0; yy < height; yy ++) {
      uint16_t px = xx + wave_offset;
      uint16_t py = yy + (2 * sin((theta + xx) * 0.2));
      uint16_t o = x + (px + x) + ((py + y) << 8) + ((py + y) << 6);
      uint16_t f = xx + ((yy << 6) + (yy << 5) + (y << 2) << 1);

      uint8_t col = 25 + (3 * sin(t)) + (6 * cos(t));
      buffer[o] = flag[f];
      buffer[o-1] = flag[f];
      buffer[o+1] = flag[f];
      buffer[o-320] = flag[f];
      buffer[o+320] = flag[f];

      buffer[o-319] = flag[f];
      buffer[o-321] = flag[f];
      buffer[o+319] = flag[f];
      buffer[o-321] = flag[f];
      t += 0.1;

Key Features:

  • Wave Dynamics: The wave_offset creates a horizontal ripple effect based on sin(theta + xx * 0.1). A secondary vertical ripple adds realism.
  • Boundary Checks: Ensures pixels remain within the screen bounds.
  • Direct Pixel Copy: Pixels are copied from the flag bitmap to the appropriate buffer position.
  • Redundant Pixel Render: We make sure we render to all surrounding cells so we don’t experience tearing

Main Loop

The main loop ties everything together, handling synchronization, rendering, and input:

int main() {
  uint8_t *back_buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(64000);
  uint8_t *flag = make_flag();
  double theta = 0;

  clear_buffer(0x00, back_buffer);

  while (!kbhit()) {
    draw_flag(theta, 20, 20, 200, 100, flag, back_buffer);

    copy_buffer(vga, back_buffer);
    clear_buffer(0x00, back_buffer);

    theta += 0.1; // Animate the wave


  return 0;


  1. Synchronization: The wait_vsync() call ensures smooth updates.
  2. Animation: The theta value incrementally changes, creating continuous movement.
  3. Keyboard Interrupt: The kbhit() function allows the user to exit gracefully.


This waving flag effect combines simple algorithms with creative use of VGA mode 13h to create a visually stunning effect. By leveraging trigonometry, palette manipulation, and efficient buffer handling, we replicate the mesmerizing motion of a flag in the wind.

You can find the complete code on GitHub as a gist.

Try it out, tweak the parameters, and share your own effects! There’s a lot of joy in creating beautiful visuals with minimal resources.