Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

The Rrrola Constant

When you’re writing demos in 320x200 mode, you can quickly estimate X and Y coordinates from a screen offset with one simple multiply. That value that you use is 0xcccd, and it’s called the Rrrola Constant.

To start this, we need to adjust our video address. Remember, this is an estimate (it’s good enough); but it does need a bit more “help” in the setup.

  push  0xa000 - 10			
  pop   es				

  xor   di, di
  mov   cx, 64000

Right now, es:[di] is pointing to the start of video memory (adjusted).

Now we perform the multiply

  mov  ax, 0xcccd
  mul  di				

At this point the (x, y) pair is now available to us in (dh, dl). This is really handy for use in your rendering functions.

In this example, we just make a pixel that’s x xor y.

  xor  dh, dl
  mov  al, dh
  loop pat

This works because the offset into the video buffer is worked out as (y * 320) + x. Multiplying this formula out by Oxcccd we end up with (y * 0x1000040) + (x * 0xcccd)

The top byte is y * 0x1000000. The next byte along is now (x * 0xcccd / 0x10000) which approximates to (x * 256/320), which is useful to us. The lower two bytes from the product are garbage.

Full example

The following is a .com demo-style example which uses the above technique:

  org  100h

  ; setup 320x200x256
  mov  ax, 0x0013
  int  0x10

  ; adjust screen segment to work
  ; with the Rrrloa trick
  push 0xa000 - 10
  pop  es

  ; start at the beginning of
  ; the video buffer
  xor  di, di
  mov  cx, 64000

  ; (dh, dl) -> (x, y)
  mov  ax, 0xcccd			 
  mul  di					

  ; col = x ^ y
  xor  dh, dl
  mov  al, dh
  ; paint
  loop pat

  ; check for esc
  in  al, 60h				
  cmp al, 1
  jne top

  ; return to text
  mov  ax, 0x0003			
  int  0x10

  ; return to dos
  mov  ax, 0x4c00			
  int  0x21


XOR Demo