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More Window Functions

This article is an extension of the window function, to follow up on each of the window functions.


The MAX function will retrieve the maximum value that it sees within the window.


The MEDIAN function will calculate the median value for the range seen, within the window.


The MIN function will retrieve the minimum value that it sees within the window.


Where the LAG and LEAD values are relative to the row in question, NTH_VALUE will retain the value at the literal offset specified.


NTILE ranks rows into equally proportioned groups within the window seen by the expression.


Calculates the percent rank on rows seen by the window. The formula calculation is defined as:

(x - 1) / (the number of rows in the window or partition - 1)


PERCENTIL_CONT will calculate the linear interpolation between ordered values.


Returns the value with the smallest cumulative distribution value.


Calculates a percentage where the row’s value is the divisor, and the total amount for the window is the dividend.

In this example, we’ll use RATIO_TO_REPORT to show us the percentage each sale makes over the period of a single day.

SELECT sale_date, salesperson, quantity::decimal * unit_cost,
  RATIO_TO_REPORT(quantity::decimal * unit_cost) OVER (PARTITION BY sale_date)
FROM public.sales
ORDER BY sale_date, sale_id;

RATIO_TO_REPORT(quantity::decimal * unit_cost) is what gives us the value that we’re working with in terms of ratio; the PARTITION BY sale_date then gives us the window; these ratios need to be calculated for the day.

sale_date salesperson ?column? ratio_to_report
2018-05-02 Bob 26 1.0
2018-05-13 Sally 60 0.2777777777777778
2018-05-13 June 156 0.7222222222222222
2018-05-14 John 96 1.0
2018-05-25 Bob 192 0.5962732919254659
2018-05-25 Sally 130 0.40372670807453415
2018-05-26 John 156 1.0
2018-05-27 John 52 0.0962962962962963
2018-05-27 June 20 0.037037037037037035
2018-05-27 June 468 0.8666666666666667
2018-06-02 Sally 26 1.0
2018-06-03 John 60 0.2777777777777778
2018-06-03 John 156 0.7222222222222222
2018-06-12 John 96 1.0
2018-06-13 Bob 192 0.5962732919254659
2018-06-13 Sally 130 0.40372670807453415
2018-06-15 John 156 1.0
2018-06-24 Bob 52 0.7222222222222222
2018-06-24 Sally 20 0.2777777777777778
2018-06-29 John 468 1.0


ROW_NUMBER is a utility function that simply gives the row an ordinal value, counting up from 1; over the window.

We count the sales for the day, by applying ROW_NUMBER over the sale_date.

SELECT sale_date, salesperson, quantity::decimal * unit_cost,
FROM public.sales
ORDER BY sale_date, sale_id;
sale_date salesperson ?column? row_number
2018-05-02 Bob 26 1
2018-05-13 Sally 60 1
2018-05-13 June 156 2
2018-05-14 John 96 1
2018-05-25 Bob 192 1
2018-05-25 Sally 130 2
2018-05-26 John 156 1
2018-05-27 John 52 1
2018-05-27 June 20 2
2018-05-27 June 468 3
2018-06-02 Sally 26 1
2018-06-03 John 60 1
2018-06-03 John 156 2
2018-06-12 John 96 1
2018-06-13 Bob 192 1
2018-06-13 Sally 130 2
2018-06-15 John 156 1
2018-06-24 Bob 52 1
2018-06-24 Sally 20 2
2018-06-29 John 468 1


STDDEV_SAMP and STDDEV_POP will find the sample and population standard deviation of the values seen in a window.


The SUM function will retrieve the accumulated sum of an expression over the defined window.


VAR_SAMP and VAR_POP will find the sample and population variance of the values seen in a window.