Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

PhoneGap Setup on Arch Linux

Here’s a few notes to getting PhoneGap up and running on an Arch Linix installation.


PhoneGap itself relies on some java tools, so you’ll need a jdk and ant.

$ sudo pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
$ sudo pacman -S apache-ant

In order to run your applications in an android simulator, you’ll need the android sdk installed. For the next steps, you’ll need to ensure that multilib is enabled in your /etc/pacman.conf file.

You’ll need the following packages installed from AUR:

After these have been successfully installed, using the suggested installation procedure guidance on the wiki, you’ll need to put these tools on your path:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/build-tools

PhoneGap is installed using npm which is part of the NodeJS suite, so you’ll need to have it installed as well:

$ sudo pacman -S nodejs


From the PhoneGap installation guide, installation should be just:

$ sudo npm install -g phonegap

Device Setup

Before you can run any applications, you’ll need to setup a device. No cpu images are installed by default, so you’ll need to install these first using the android command.

After installing the appropriate images, you can create a device using android avd.