Functional Reactive Programming with Yampa
31 Jul 2014Introduction
Functional reactive programming is a programming paradigm that allows a developer to express interesting events as a stream. Developers place pieces of code in this stream called signals which allow them to target and respond to the events that matter to them.
Haskell offers a library called Yampa for this field of computing. Yampa uses the Arrow abstraction to allow developers to build/compose their signals.
In today’s post, I’ll take you through a few of the pieces I’ve learned about Yampa so that you can get started quicker.
What is a Signal Function?
A signal function is what you’ll put in the pipeline or stream of events so that you’re able to respond to events and ultimately change the course of execution. A signal function is defined as having both input and output as so:
data SF a b
I found it easier to think that you’ll write functions that return signal functions. Better yet, you’ll write arrow compositions by combining simpler arrows (to make more complex arrows) that will end up as an SF
Built in Signal Functions
Out of the box, Yampa gives you some functions returning SF
types all ready for you to put to work.
The first of these functions is identity
identity :: SF a a
As the type signature suggests, identity
will return a signal function that will take the input that is given to it and return it.
The next of these functions is constant
constant :: b -> SF a b
wants an initial argument. It will return a signal function that gives you back that initially supplied value.
The next function is time
time :: SF a Time
This function is a little more interesting. Rather than echoing back to us information that’s been supplied, time
will give you the time that has passed. When moving through a stream of events, you’ll always be working with respect to dt or time that has passed.
Running Signal Functions
Yampa provides us with the embed
function which gives us the ability to run our signal functions over a pre-defined stream (or array).
embed :: SF a b
-> (a, [(DTime, Maybe a)])
-> [b]
The embed
function says: give me a signal function SF a b
and a pair (a, [(DTime, Maybe a)])
and it will give you back the resulting modified stream [b]
. The second argument to this function could use a little more definition:
The first item in the pair, a
is an initial value for the stream. It’s where the stream starts. If you’re dealing with mouse data, this could be (0, 0)
as the origin point of the mouse cursor or RobotStateOff
if you’re controlling a robot or 0 if you’re just animating an integer.
The second item in the pair, [(DTime, Maybe a)]
is a list of the values to supply to your stream. The pair at each index of the list wants to know DTime
(how much time has passed) and Maybe a
(the associated value at this time).
A few practical examples may help clear up my explanations. To make a plain-old-number-example a little more interesting - let’s say that we’re trying to model the temperature of a cup of coffee as it cools down. We’ll get sensor data from our virtual thermometer every 60 seconds. We can model our sensor data like so:
let sensorData = (80.0, [(60.0, Just 74.6), (60.0, Just 68.9), (60.0, Just 61.5)])
So this “sensor data” that we’ve captured from somewhere is saying that:
- The coffee started at 80 degrees
- After 60 seconds, the temperature dropped to 74.6
- Next 60 seconds, to 68.9
- Next 60 seconds, to 61.5
Then we turned our sensor off. We didn’t collect any more data than this.
Using the functions above:
λ> embed (constant 77) sensorData
λ> embed identity sensorData
λ> embed time sensorData
As we went through above. constant
just gave us a set of 77’s back. This is what we supplied as the input to constant
. identity
gave us each of the temperature readings and time
gave us the time intervals that had passed.
Using embed
is a great way to see how signal functions react to test data, but what we really want to do is create our own signal functions and run them through.
Creating signal functions
We compose some of the more fundamental, pre-provided signal functions to make more complex scenarios. In this case, we’re going to say that the cup of coffee loses 0.001 degrees for every second that passes.
In this example, we’ll say that the coffee cools down at 1 degree per second. Pretty unrealistic, but it’ll do for the purposes of this example.
let cooling t0 = (constant (-1) >>> integral) >>^ (+ t0)
Breaking this down, we’re integrating our “cool-down constant” of -0.001 over time using integral
and then applying this to the original temperature passed in (+ t0)
. Testing this out now using embed
and some new test data:
λ> embed (cooling (80.0 :: Double)) (Nothing, take 20 $ cycle [(1.0, Nothing)])
We can see, using our cooling
function that the temperature of our coffee is getting colder at a constant rate. We can re-write this function using arrow notation and a proc
block to make it a little more readable.
cooling :: Double -> SF () (Double)
cooling t0 = proc input -> do
t0' <- integral >>^ (+ t0) -< -1
returnA -< t0'
Our function takes the current temperature of the coffee. It returns a SF () (Double)
, which means that it doesn’t have any input to work with ()
, but will be returning our new temerature (Double)
switch; the reactive part
The whole idea of this programming paradigm is to respond to changes. Whilst we’ve been modifying attributes of our program with respect to time, we really need to conditionally change course at runtime. This is where switch
comes into the picture.
switch :: SF a (b, Event c)
-> (c -> SF a b)
-> SF a b
From the Yampa page on switches.
A switch in Yampa provides change of behavior of signal functions (SF) during runtime. The function ‘switch’ is the simplest form which can only be switched once. The signature is read like this: “Be a SF which is always fed a signal of type ‘in’ and returns a signal of type ‘out’. Start with an initial SF of the same type but which may also return a transition event of type ‘Event t’. In case of an Event, Yampa feeds the variable ‘t’ to the continuation function ‘k’ which produces the new SF based on the variable ‘t’, again with the same input and output types.”
Going through the parameters, switch
expects a signal function SF a (b, Event c)
. This function is what determines if we actually need to switch or react to a particular condition. The next input parameter (c -> SF a b)
is a function producing a signal function. It’s what we’ll switch to if we receive the correct event information supplied from the output of the first parameter.
We’ll create a new signal function that will employ both switch
and our original cooling
function so that when the temperature reaches a certain point, it’ll just maintain that temperature. Sort of like when the temperature reaches room temperature.
coolingWithFloor :: Double -> SF () (Double)
coolingWithFloor t0 = switch cooling' atRoomTemp
where cooling' = proc _ -> do
t' <- cooling t0 -< ()
e <- edge -< t' <= 18
returnA -< (t', e `tag` t')
atRoomTemp _ = (constant 18)
There’s a little bit to explain in this one. cooling'
is our new cooling function. It still uses the original cooling
function under the covers. cooling'
then uses edge
which takes a Bool
as its input and returns a Event ()
. We finally prepare the signal function for return.
The use of the tag
function will just perform an fmap
of t'
over e
. What’s interesting is that if the case is met in the call to edge
, we’ll receive back a Event a
- otherwise it’ll just be NoEvent
. This is really the meat and potatoes as to what’s driving the decision that we’re leaving up to switch
Our test that we’re performing is t' <= 18
, so it makes sense that the function that we’d switch to just sends 18 out. Once the temperature reaches 18, that’s where it’ll stay. embed
confirms our requirements through execution.
λ> embed (coolingWithFloor 25)
((), take 10 $ cycle [(1.0, Just ())])
There are other alternatives to switch
as well that each have their own nuances. rSwitch
allows you to specify the signal function to move to using the Event
value. kSwitch
allows you to freeze a signal function and use its state in a continuation, later on.
Up until this point, we’ve been running all of our simulations through embed
. This has been good for our testing purposes however Yampa also provides the reactimate
function, which guided by our configurations will manage the stream that our signal functions work on - for us.
:: IO a
-> (Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe a))
-> (Bool -> b -> IO Bool)
-> SF a b
-> IO ()
takes 4 arguments.
IO a
is an IO
action that performs the initialisation for the process. Here’s where you’d get ready for the stream to start.
The second parameter is our input function. Ignore the Bool
input argument. From all of the reading that I’ve done, this isn’t used. This parameter will be repeatedly called by reactimate
to feed the stream with sensor data.
The third parameter is our output function. What do you want to do with the data? What ever it is, it goes into this function. The Bool
input argument is again ignored however, the output of this action determines if reactimate
continues working. True
will stop the process for us.
The final input parameter is our signal function that’s processing the stream.
Here is coolingWithFloor
being hosted by reactimate
, with the current temperature being written to the console.
λ> reactimate (return ())
(\_ -> return (1.0, Nothing))
(\_ b -> (putStrLn $ show b) >> return False)
(coolingWithFloor 25.0)
That’s it for today’s post on functional reactive programming in Haskell using Yampa.