Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

Emacs Cheatsheet

Today’s post isn’t quite a normal post. I’m going to use this as a place to put all of my notes while using emacs.

Key Description
C-v Page down
M-v Page up
C-l Move text around the cursor (center, top, bottom)
C-p Previous line
C-n Next line
C-b Backwards character
C-f Forward character
M-b Backwards word
M-f Forward word
C-a Beginning of line
C-e End of line
M-a Beginning of sentence
M-e End of sentence
M-< Beginning of text
M-> End of text


Key Description
<DEL> Delete character before cursor
C-d Delete character after cursor
M-<DEL> Kill word before cursor
M-d Kill word after cursor
C-k Kill from cursor to EOL
M-k Kill to the end of current sentence
C-<SPC> Start selecting text
C-x h Select the whole buffer
C-w Kill selection
M-w Save region but don’t kill it
C-y Yank killed text
M-y Cycle through previous kills
C-/ Undo


Key Description
C-g Exit current command
C-u Repeat command
M-x replace-string Find and replace
M-x recover-file Recover file backup
C-M-\ Indent selected region

Files and Buffers

Key Description
C-x C-f Find a file (for opening)
C-x C-s Save current file
C-x C-b List buffers
C-x b Switch to a buffer
C-x s Save some buffers
C-x C-c Quit emacs (prompt for saves)
C-x k Kill buffer

Windows and Frames

Key Description
C-x 1 Delete all but current window
C-x 2 Split window horizontally
C-x 3 Split window verticaly
C-x 4 C-f Find a file into a new window
C-x o Move to other window
C-M-v Scroll bottom window
M-x make-frame Create a new emacs frame
M-x delete-frame Remove the selected emacs frame


Key Description
M-x fundamental-mode Fundamental
M-x text-mode Human text mode


Key Description
C-h m Documentation on current major mode
C-h ? Get help on what you can get help on
C-h c Get help on a command
C-h f Get help on a function
C-h a List commands by keyword
C-h i Open manuals (open info buffer)


Key Description
C-s Start forward incremental search
C-r Start backward incremental search

When searching forwards, C-s will take you through all of the occurences of the search term that has been found. <DEL> takes you backwards. <DEL> starts to effect the search term once you’ve reached the first result.


Key Description
M-x dired Open dired in a buffer
o Open the highlighted file in the other buffer
C-o Open the file but keep focus in the dired buffer