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A GDT Primer

For Intel chips, the major processes (like memory management, interrupts, etc) are managed through a set of tables. These tables are as simple as length and a linear address to the actual table data.

The GDT or Global Descriptor Table is one of these tables and it’s what your CPU uses to describe its internal memory segmentation for the system.

In today’s post, I’ll take you through how the GDT is defined and how it is applied to your system.

What is it and how is it defined?

Like I said in the introduction, all that the GDT is made up of is a length and a linear address to the data. Here’s an example below, defined in assembly language

   DQ 0x0000000000000000
   DQ 0x00CF9A000000FFFF
   DQ 0x00CF92000000FFFF

   DW 23
   DD gdt_data

In the above snippet, gdt_data defines the actual GDT entries. We’ll get into what the values mean shortly, but for now it’s important to understand that this block of data starts with a null entry (or all zeros) and then the entries begin. You’ll see that each entry is defined by DQ, so each entry is 8 bytes.

gdt_tab starts with the length of the structure (minus 1). The whole “minus 1” part comes in because the expected data type of the length is a word, it can only hold a maximum value of 65535 but you are allowed up to 65536 entries in the table. Obviously, it’s invalid to specify a table that has a zero length. Next, gdt_tab defines a linear address to the table data itself, gdt_data.

How is a GDT entry assembled?

Each GDT entry conforms to the following format:

Start End Meaning Size
63 56 Base (bits 24 - 31) 8 bits
55 52 Flags 4 bits
51 48 Limit (bits 16 - 19) 4 bits
47 40 Access byte 8 bits
39 16 Base (bits 0 - 23) 24 bits
15 0 Limit (bits 0 - 15) 16 bits

From this table, you can see that it defines a 32 bit base which is a linear address of where the segment begins and a 20 bit limit which is the maximum addressable unit.

The access byte is 8 bits in flags that describe different access privileges. The byte breaks down like this:

Bit Code Description
7 Pr Present bit. Must be 1 for all selectors.
6-5 Privl Privilege bits. Defines the ring level this selector is allowed to be used from.
4   Always 1
3 Ex Executable bit. 1 for code, 0 for data
2 DC Direction bit/Conforming bit. This is a direction bit for data selectors, in which case when it is set to 0, the segment grows up. 1, it’ll grow down. This is a conforming bit for code selectors. When is is set to 1, execution is allowed by the defined privilege level or below. When it’s 0, it’s only allowed from the defined privilege level.
1 RW Readable for code selectors, Writeable for data selectors. Code selectors can’t have write access and data selectors don’t have read access.
0 Ac Leave this as 0. The CPU will set it to 1 once the segment is accessed

The flags nibble is 4 bits that control size:

Bit Code Description
7 Gr Granularity when set to 0 will make the limit be interpreted in bytes. When it’s set to 1, the limit is defined in pages (4KiB blocks)
6 Sz Size when 0 defines 16-bit protected mode. 1 defines as 32-bit mode selectors
5 L Long when set to 1 will setup 64-bit mode selectors. Sz must be set to 0
4   Unused. Set to 0

How do the values breakdown?

Above, we had some example data that we were setting up for a GDT. Here’s how those values break down.

Original value

base  24-31 : 00
flags       : C  (1100b)
limit 16-19 : F
access      : 9A (10011010b)
base 23-0   : 000000
limit 15-0  : FFFF

This particular entry says it’s at a base of 0x00000000, has a limit of 0xFFFFF. The access byte tells us that the segment is:

  • Present
  • Is privileged to Ring-0
  • Is executable
  • Can ONLY be executed in Ring-0
  • Is readable

The flags also tell us that the segment has:

  • A limit that is expressed in 4KiB units
  • Our selectors are 32 bits

How is it set?

Actually defining the GDT entries is one thing, but you also need to set them as well. This is quite an easy process.

mov   eax, gdt_tab   ; load in the address of the table
lgdt  [eax]          ; load the new GDT

After this has happened, we need to jump into our new segment to continue executing code. In the table gdt_tab, the code segment was defined 2nd (after the null entry). The code segment definition is 0x08 (or just 8) bytes into the table.

After jumping to our code segment, we need to refresh all of the segment selectors so that they’re now pointing at the right place as well. 16 bytes (0x10) into the table (the third entry) is where we’ve defined the data segment.

   jmp   0x08:refresh_segments


   mov   eax, 0x10
   mov   ds, ax
   mov   es, ax
   mov   fs, ax
   mov   gs, ax
   mov   ss, ax

Differences between 32 and 64 bit

Segmentation is very simple once you enter the 64 bit world. Four of the segment registers: CS, SS, DS and ES start at 0x00 and have a limit of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Pretty simple. FS and GS are still capable of a non-zero base address.

An example table on how this would look is like this:

   DQ 0x0000000000000000
   DQ 0x00A09A0000000000
   DQ 0x00A0920000000000

You can see how the base and limits have simplified greatly here.


There’s quite a bit more you can learn in this field. There’s also some excellent resources around the web to help out. Here’s just a few: