Making a Big Math Library
28 Jan 2013Introduction
In most of your day to day applications, numbers that fit within 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits are enough. Sometimes you may need to stretch out into your floating point processor to include some more precision and start looking at 80 bit numbers. Today’s post, I want to start on a library in assembly language that works on even bigger numbers. There are going to be some caveats or conditions that we’ll establish up front, but they will be big numbers! The design considerations for this library will be as follows:
- Unsigned integers
- Fixed size
With this information, we can now start to build our library.
The big number data type
Well, it’s not really that special at all. We just need to define an array of quad-words to the length that we want. So, an example would look like this.
bignum_size EQU 10 ; bignums will be 640bits in size
num_a resq bignum_size ; make our bignum variable
That’s all pretty simple. A number is just an array of a pre-defined length. With a length to 10, at 64 bits per array index we’ve got ourselves a 640 bit number. Quite large. In fact, we’re talking numbers up to 4.562441e+192. Now that’s impressive.
Lets operate!
We’ve got a very impressive data type that we can declare where ever we want, but how do we use it? We need to define all of the management, arithmetic, logic and printing ourselves. First of all though, we’ll want to be able to zero out our number, which is just continually writing zeros over our memory buffer (much like a memset
; --------------------------------------------
; bignum_zero
; initialize a bignum to zero
; input
; rdi - address of the number
; --------------------------------------------
push rax ; save any registers
push rcx ; that we'll mow over
push rdi
xor rax, rax ; the value we want to set to
mov ecx, bignum_size ; the number of quads to write
rep stosq ; clear out our number
pop rdi ; restore any registers that
pop rcx ; we saved
pop rax
Excellent. We can initialize our big number now to zero so that we have a starting point. Next, we’ll want to be able to debug any problems that we may have while building this library, so its going to be of great benefit to be able to see what the value is of our number. The following code leans on some assembly I had written in a previous article which displays the value in RAX
. Here’s how we’ll print our big number to screen.
; --------------------------------------------
; bignum_print
; prints a bignum to the console
; input
; rsi - address of the number
; --------------------------------------------
push rax ; save off any values
push rbx
push rcx
mov rcx, bignum_size ; we'll print all blocks
mov rbx, rcx ; setup our base pointer
dec rbx ; to point to the block corresponding
shl rbx, 3 ; to our counter rcx
mov rax, [rsi + rbx] ; get the value in rax
call _print_rax ; print it
dec rcx ; move onto the next block
jnz next_block ; keep printing
pop rcx ; restore any saved registers
pop rbx
pop rax
Most obvious thing to note here is that we’re moving through the bignumber back-to-front so that it’s presented on screen in a human manner. We can test what we have so far is working by writing a small piece of test code.
; zero out our number
mov rdi, num_a
call _bignum_zero
; print it to screen
mov rsi, num_a
call _bignum_print
Which, rather uninterestingly will just spit out a massive list of zeros.
So, lets do something a little more interesting. The smallest pieces of arithmetic that I think we can implement for these numbers is increment and decrement.
This is straight forward. Add 1 to the lowest part of the number. If that part of the number just “clocked”, or reset to zero - we must carry our value onto a higher block.
; --------------------------------------------
; bignum_inc
; increments a big number by 1
; input
; rdi - address of the number
; --------------------------------------------
push rcx ; save off any registers
push rbx
push rax
mov rcx, bignum_size ; worst case, we'll have to
; go through all blocks
xor rbx, rbx ; reset our base to be zero
mov rax, qword [rdi + rbx] ; get this block into rax
inc rax ; increment it
mov qword [rdi + rbx], rax ; store it back
cmp rax, 0 ; check if we "clocked"
jne _bignum_inc_done ; if we didn't, we're finished
add rbx, 8 ; move the base onto the next block
dec rcx ; 1 less block to process
jnz _bignum_inc_carry ; continue until we're finished
pop rax ; restore any of the saved values
pop rbx
pop rcx
Alright, we’ve got incrementation going on here. The most interesting case for us to test is when a block is sitting on the carry boundary or sitting at 0xffffffffffffffff
. After we increment that, we should see that clear out to zero and the next block to get a 1.
mov rdi, num_a
call _bignum_zero
mov qword [rdi], 0xffffffffffffffff ; setup out number on the boundary
mov rsi, num_a
call _bignum_print ; print it out
mov rdi, num_a ; push it over the boundary with
call _bignum_inc ; an increment
mov rsi, num_a ; print out the new number
call _bignum_print
Which results in the following.
Those massive trails of zeros are getting annoying. We can clean them up later by making our print routine a little smarter. But you can see that we’ve successfully incremented over a boundary so that our next higher block gets a one.
This is pretty much as straight forward as incrementing, on this time we’re not going to carry to a higher quad-word, we’re going to borrow from it if we do cross a boundary. Here’s the code for a decrement.
; --------------------------------------------
; bignum_dec
; decrements a big number by 1
; input
; rdi - address of the number
; --------------------------------------------
push rcx ; save off any registers
push rbx
push rax
mov rcx, bignum_size ; worst case, we'll need
; to go through all blocks
xor rbx, rbx ; clear out the base
mov rax, qword [rdi + rbx] ; get the current quad
dec rax ; decrement it
mov qword [rdi + rbx], rax ; store it back in the number
cmp rax, 0xffffffffffffffff ; check if we went across a boundary
jne _bignum_dec_done ; if not, get out now
add rbx, 8 ; move onto the next block
dec rcx ; not done yet?
jnz _bignum_dec_borrow ; keep processing borrows
pop rax ; restore the saved registers
pop rbx
pop rcx
This really is the increment routine just with the numeric direction reversed. Making sure that we are on the right track, we can test out the decrement across a boundary again.
mov rdi, num_a ; setup our number right
call _bignum_zero ; on the boundary
mov qword [rdi], 0xffffffffffffffff
mov rsi, num_a ; print its current state
call _bignum_print
mov rdi, num_a ; increment over the boundary
call _bignum_inc
mov rsi, num_a ; print its state
call _bignum_print
mov rdi, num_a ; decrement it over the boundary
call _bignum_dec
mov rsi, num_a ; print its state
call _bignum_print
The output of which looks like this.
Again, it’s pretty hideous with the trailing zeros, but you can see this in action now. Back and forth, across boundaries - no sweat.
Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg for this particular library. I’d hope to demonstrate logical testing, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well shortly. The best part about these routines is that if you wanted to operate on 6400 bit numbers, all you have to do is change the constant bignum_size
that I’d set earlier to 100.