OpenGL, GLUT & Haskell
02 Jan 2013Introduction
We’re into some of the real good stuff here. One of my favourite topics in computer programming is graphics (2d and 3d). In this post, I get to make a start on some fun stuff and learn some Haskell at the same time. We’re going to open an OpenGL window, clear the back buffer out and flip.
The code
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- initialize openGL
(progname, _) <- getArgsAndInitialize
-- open up the application window
createWindow "Hello World"
-- set the render proc and run the main loop
displayCallback $= display
display :: IO ()
display = do
-- clear the buffer and flip
clear [ ColorBuffer ]
Ok, ok, fair enough - this is almost a direct-rip from the [Haskell Wiki](, I’m not claiming it as my code. It’s more of a bookmark as a good foot-hold in the OpenGL-Haskell marriage!
Getting your application compiled is cake, just make sure you specify GLUT as a package.
$ ghc -package GLUT Ogl.hs -o Ogl
That’s what it’s all about!