Simple FPU Operations
02 Dec 2012The CPU itself is an impressive piece of kit just by itself however it does struggle to do complex floating point mathematics. Chip designers noticed this deficiency pretty quickly and bolted on a floating-point arithmetic unit. It should be noted at this point that many, many other tutorial/article writers have gone into great depth explaining how to program FPU’s and they have been great references to me in previous times:
Anyway, this blog post is just going to show you a few nuggets that you can use straight away. It’s always fun seeing this stuff in action. This snippet will sum (accumulate) together an array of doubles.
; entry conditions
; edx points to an array of doubles
; ecx holds the number of items in the array
; set st0 to zero
; add the next double to st0
fadd qword [edx]
; progress
add edx, 8
dec ecx
jnz next
; at this point, st0 holds the sum
This following snippet will show you a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You’ll notice a pretty distinct pattern in what to do in these situations. It’ll follow:
- Load the first term (
) - Apply the operator (
) with the second term - Store the result into memory
section .data
a: dq 3.333333333
b: dq 4.444444444
section .bss
c: resq 1
section .text
fld qword [a]
fadd qword [b]
fstp qword [c]
fld qword [a]
fsub qword [b]
fstp qword [c]
fld qword [a]
fmul qword [b]
fstp qword [c]
fld qword [b]
fdiv qword [a]
fstp qword [c]
With a bit of extra help from the C library, you can print out values that you’re using in the FPU. The following snippet prints PI to the console.
; compiled on linux 64 bit using the following
; nasm -f elf32 print.asm -o print.o
; gcc -m32 print.o -o print
[bits 32]
section .text
extern printf
global main
; load pi into st(0)
; prepare some space on the stack
sub esp, 8
; to be able to push st(0) in there
fstp qword [esp]
; get the string format on the stack as well
push format
; print the string
call printf
; repair the stack
; 4 bytes memory address (for the format)
; + 8 bytes memory for the float
; =========
; 12 bytes
add esp, 12
; exit without error
xor eax, eax
section .data
format: db "%.20g",10,0
As I find other snippets in old pieces of code, I’ll be sure to add them to this page.