Cogs and Levers A blog full of technical stuff

Holy smoke!

Well, not really.

Nostalgia got the better of me today in the form of some good old mode 13 demo code. All the hours I’d blown previously developing little tid-bit apps like this and I never saved off any of my code. Thankfully, I have a good memory and whilst my assembly skills aren’t “top shelf”, they’re certainly up to the task of re-creating this sort of effect.

Smoke, Fire, Flame?

They’re all the same. They work of the same principal.

  • Set a palette that suits your effect (yellows, reds, orange for fire), (black to white for smoke)
  • Create some noise as far south as you can on the video buffer
  • Blur the pixels out on the screen making your resulting pixels ascend and decay


On to the code …

So, I’ll present this little demo in a couple of chunks and explain them as I show them. The code is pretty well documented anyway so that reading it line for line should be very self-explanitory.

.model small
.stack 100h


	mov	ax, 0013h	; set 320x200x256 mode
	int	10h
	mov	ax, 0a000h	; we can't directly address ES so 
	mov	es, ax          ; we do so through AX. ES = A000
	call	setup_palette	; setup a palette with greyscale 
				; to support the smoke effect


	call	randomize_lines	; draw some random pixels 
	call	bloom		; average out the video buffer
	mov	ah, 01h		; test for a key press
	int	16h
	jz	no_kbhit	; continue running if no key was hit
	mov	ax, 0003h	; set text mode
	int	10h
	mov	ax, 4c00h	; return control back to dos
	int	21h

; -- subroutines removed for brevity

end start


This is the main program. It needs to drop us into the required video mode, make sure we don’t want to quit (i.e. was there a key hit?), actually perform the effect (the loop of random/average) and then clean up (send us back to text mode, return control to dos).

Giving the effect some colour

Setting up the palette in this type of routine really does determine the “type” of routine that it is. As I’d said above:

  • Purely greyscale will give you a smokey effect on screen
  • Gradients running through black, red, orange, yellow, white will give you fire/flame
  • Black, blue up to purple will give you a cool alcohol type fire
  • Greens will give you something alien

The idea is to experiment with palette creation to see what comes out best for you. Here’s how I setup a greyscale palette.


	mov	cx, 255			; 256 colour indicies to set
	mov	al, 255			; setup al so that we're setting
	sub	al, cl			; colour indicies from low to high
	mov	dx, 3c7h		; this port selects the colour index
					; that we'll set r,g,b for
	out	dx, al
	mov	dx, 3c9h		; this port sets the r,g,b components
						; for the selected index
	shr	al, 2			; rgb intensities are in range of 0..63
					; so, divide by 4 to adjust
	out	dx, al			; set the red
	out	dx, al			; set the green
	out	dx, al			; set the blue

	dec	cx			; move onto the next colour
	jnz	next_colour_idx

So, just a touch of VGA theory here. Unlike today’s video modes, the 256 colour VGA supported 256 indices that each had an RGB intensity set ranging (0..63) each. Sometime, I don’t know how we ever used this video mode, but we got by – and made some damn cool stuff using it. So, software port 3c7 takes a colour index. 3c8 can be used to read the colour intensities (not used in this program). 3c9 is the port we use to write (r,g,b) intensities. Dividing by 4 allows me to interpolate 0..255 against 0..63 so that 0 is the colour with least intensity up to 255 which has the greatest.

###(not so) Random

Getting psuedo random numbers with nothing in the toolbox is difficult. The method that I’ve used here is to constantly read from software port 40h which is tightly coupled with the timer interrupt but it keeps a fairly steady count. The uniformity of these numbers actually provides a very tame smoke effect, you’re not going to see much chaos.

	mov	cx, 640			; we're going to set two rows of pixels
					; at the bottom of the screen to be 
					; random colours, so that's 640 pixels
	mov	di, 63360		; we're going to start writing these 
					; pixels on the last two lines so that's
					; 64000 - 640

	mov	dx, 40h			; we get quasi-random values from port 40h
	in	al, dx
	stosb				; store the pixel on screen
	dec	cx			; move onto the next pixel
	jnz	next_rand_pixel

So, following along with the effect we only randomize the last two rows of the video array. Simple.

Airbrush, Airbrush!!

It’s just an averaging effect. We take the average of the current pixel, left, right and top most. We then re-set the pixel back into video memory 1 pixel above our current location. Therefore, we have no interest in trying to process the top-most row of video memory.

The only other part that is a little awkward to look at in this code block will be the ADC instructions. We’re dealing with bytes (values of 0..255). We’re adding 4 of these together so we’re going to quickly overflow a byte sized register. ADC (or add with carry adjustment) allows us to overflow this information into AX’s higher-order byte (AH). When it comes time to divide (or take the arithmetic average) of this pixel’s intensity, we’ll be able to perform this operation on the word sized AX register. Neat. Check it out:


	mov	cx, 63680		; we average every pixel except the top row
	mov	di, 320			; we start at the 2nd row
	xor	ax, ax			; clear out our accumulator
	mov	al, es:[di]		; get the current pixel
	add	al, es:[di-1] 	; add the pixel to the left
	adc	ah, 0			; adjust for overflow
	add	al, es:[di+1] 	; add the pixel to the right
	adc	ah, 0			; adjust for overflow
	add	al, es:[di-320]	; add the pixel above
	adc	ah, 0			; adjust for overflow
	shr	ax, 2			; divide by 4 to get the average
	cmp	al, 0			; can we dampen?
	jz	no_damp			; jump over if we can't
	dec	al			; dampen the colour by 1
	mov	es:[di-320], al	; put the averaged pixel 1 pixel above
	inc	di			; next pixel
	dec	cx			; keep count of how many we've got left
	jnz	next_avg

So, when you put it all together (and run it in DosBox) you’ll get something that looks like this:

Smoke application running

Well.. I’m feeling all nostalgic now. Might go and fire up DosBox and play a couple of games of Double Dragon.